Look and feel theme changes | XM Community
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I have a single question about formatting the Look&Feel of the survey. Is there a way to change this (indicated by an arrow on the screenshot) blank margin between the header and the question? I’ve searched for some CSS added to the theme, but no attribute seems to work. I just want to make this margin smaller to not have that blank gap.


Hi ​@SatroM ,


You need to reduce the top padding, i did it through custom CSS by reducing it from 80 px to 10 px - 


Skin .SkinInner {

padding-top: 10px;


Hello, I'm not sure if you still need information on this question, but the code I use for this task is the following:

.Skin #Questions {
    padding-top: 200px;

Just increase the pixels until you adjust it to the desired distance.

Hope it helps!


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