Enable a respondent to take survey multiple times, but skip some questions if they completed it once | XM Community
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I have a touchpoint satisfaction survey where we have demographic questions at the end and I would like to make sure that respondents who are taking the survey the second, third, fourth time, etc. are able to skip over the demographic questions.
I had added an embedded question called "first time respondent" and it sets this to "no" after they have completed the demographics the first time. I was told that would follow the respondent so it would be marked "no" the next time they took the survey, but what I am seeing is that no one who is taking it multiple times is skipping over the questions.

Have you checked whether the embedded data field has been recorded correctly in the Directory after the first response, so it pipes "No" into the field the second time they complete the survey? If that is working as it should, then maybe there's a problem with the Display Logic used in the Block or questions. Feel free to share screen shots that would help users troubleshoot this.

Thanks Matthew - That was the step I was missing - I didn't realize I had to write another action/workflow to record that into the data. I have since done that and is seems to be working correctly now.
Thank you!

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