How can the following be achieved?
- a (before that unknown) user inputs some email address as an answer to survey A and finishes the survey
- after X days a reminder mail for another survey B is sent out to that address
- after Y days another reminder mail for the other survey B is sent out
- after Z days another reminder mail for the other survey B is sent out
Where the Y-days-mail should contain an opt-out link for Z-days-mail, or the Y-/Z-days mails do not get sent at all, if the user already answered survey B.
I could not find how to achieve this opt-out, neither through Workflows, nor through the Email Distribution.
Anyone smarter knows how to do this?
(Maybe somehow through adding to a contact list at end, but then how to send mails to the correct user?)
Also adding some embedded data would additionally be great.
Thank you very much for your upcoming hints .