Custom code for preloading of question answers not working anymore randomly | XM Community
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Custom code for preloading of question answers not working anymore randomly

  • February 12, 2024
  • 1 reply

  • We’ve created a QX surveys which loads a participants previous years answers from our own service API. The survey in question is “Rehabefragung EVT 2024”. Hereby we grant you access to the survey for the purpose of solving this ticket.
  • To accomplish preloading in the header section of the QX survey we’ve added JavaScript code which get’s the unique identifier for a survey participant from EmbeddedData of the embedded data list (ExternalDataReference), requests the previous years data for this specific participant from an API. The API serves the participants data from one of our databases.
  • Before setting the survey active we’ve tested the preloading successfully via:
    • 1) hardcoding unique identifiers and checking the proper functioning of the preloading in preview mode → was successful,
    • 2) with a “master/embedded data list for testing” containing our researchers contact information (email) + an exemplary unique identifier per researcher (actually a single researcher corresponds to several records in the “master/embedded data list for testing“) → was successful as well
  • We’ve activated the survey.
  • The participant survey response show that most recipients got their previous years data preloaded.
  • Approx. from the 8th Feb 2024 onwards our researchers received some recipient requests that no data was preloaded.
  • We had no known API service/database side issues during this period of time.
  • We tried to reproduce the issue with 1) hardcoding the participant unique identifiers which correspond to the support ticket requests but could not reproduce the issue. The data could be preloaded.


Could you answer the following questions to help us to solve the issue:

  • Do we have any better/other options for testing such business logic other than 1) and 2) from above?
  • Could the issue relate to the participants web browser configuration (web browser + JavaScript version, ...)? Is there an QX API available we can use to assert for unsupported web browser configurations (to be able to display a notification to survey participants). Do you have some current web browser compatibility matrix we can use to cross-check with the support ticket responders web browser configuration?
  • Have there been any temporary QX XM server side issues around the 8th Feb? Would it help to help to prevent from such issues if we’d change our license to a better Service Level Agreement (SLA)?

1 reply

  • Level 7 ●●●●●●●
  • 2028 replies
  • February 12, 2024

Can you share the JS/error you are getting in the console?

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