Help making a manual process of updating contacts easier ! | XM Community
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Help making a manual process of updating contacts easier !

Hi Qualtrics users !
First time Qubie poster here looking for some advice.. I’ve searched the topics and my question doesn’t come up.
I’m also quite new to all this so please go easy on me 😊
I have recently taken on the responsibly for insight/survey distribution for my company which is a reasonably ‘new’ thing for me so I’m working with processes and techniques that have been passed to me… I’m very much open to doing things in a smarter way if there is a smarter way to do them !
The full directory of contacts (around 7000) is in a List within the directory. The survey process my company uses is a once a year annual NPS/relationship to each of the contacts. The process is spread out across the quarters but it isn’t a fixed event as someone who was surveyed last year might not be the right contact this year (i.e if the original contact has left, or the business has been lost all together)
The issues are we don’t yet have any type of CRM that links Qualtrics to the customer data, so essentially this list is the master view of all customer contacts around the business…. 
The process that exists is therefore highly manual and high level looks like this:
Export the ‘master’ list, filter it by business area, send it around the business so they can confirm that the contact is still accurate or not (if not, add a new contact to the list), choose when they will be surveyed, send it back to be reuploaded to the master List and then samples are created per area to create the mailing lists.
Phew… just typing that out makes my head hurt!
I guess I’m looking for any suggestions on making that process slicker and less manual and spreadsheet heavy. I am restricted by not having any CRM integration yet (years away).
I was thinking some way of directly updating the list by assigned users via an API, or some kind of technological answer to my manual nightmare.
It feels like Qualitrics can only do so much and it’s not meant for this kind of database type work but I hope to generate some discussion anyway 😊

4 replies

  • 7 replies
  • August 25, 2020

This is a great question rmprest, and I am happy to share what we have done so our "customers" can update their own XMDirectory contacts. Piped text is how we have brought data from the XMDirectory into a "form" so it is prepopulated with responses. This makes it easier for folks to see what information you currently have and if there are no updates, they do not have to change anything!

  1. To pipe text from the XMDirectory you will have to first create embedded data fields in your surveyflow to "bring" that information into your survey. Link to support page:

  2. Once that information is in the survey, you can then use "piped text" in your survey questions so it displays the pre-filled response to the customer/participant. Link to support page:

  3. Then we use "actions" to have the survey responses automatically update in the XMDirectory , we also use actions to trigger an email confirming the directory information updates. Link to support page to add information to XMDirectory:

  4. You could then send this "update information" survey to the email addresses you have on file and depending on the sensitivity of the information you could add an "authenticator" so the person either gets a unique link to them, or has to "sign-in" with their email (or other authenticator). Link to support page:

I hope this helps, its a pretty high level overview of the steps we have done, but if you have any questions let me know.

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  • 8 replies
  • August 26, 2020

Hi KatA
Wow thanks for the reply !
Ok, so if I follow use Qualtrics to:

Build and display the 'form'
Which in turn pulls through the info from XM directory via piped text you want people to check
People can then alter the info if it's incorrect ?
Any changes then update the existing XM directory contact record
Have i understood correctly ?

Could you also use this approach to add in brand new contacts to the directory ?
The part I'm really interested in is the altering info part.. how does this work? I'm new to this so I'm unsure how they could change the info that has been piped in
Thanks again for replying and giving me some interesting ideas :-)

  • 7 replies
  • August 26, 2020

Hi rmprest,
Yes, this method will work for both 'new' or 'returning' customers. Piped text will only display information, if there is information to display. If a customer is new, then they have no current information in the directory to pipe/display, so they will see a blank form. However, if they are returning then they will see their current information and it is completely editable (Yay! automatic updating), and whatever they edit will go back into the directory (as long as you set up the "actions" to send the completed survey information to XMDirectory or you could also use "triggers").
This has been great for us, as it takes out the manual updating for directory information, for both new and returning customers. I hope this helps to answer your questions, but if you have any others please let me know.

  • Author
  • 8 replies
  • August 28, 2020

Hi @KatA

You've given me so much to think about now, thanks for all your input!

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