How are you using XM Directory for community engagement? | XM Community
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Hello community! I wanted to reach out to look for any suggestions on how you all might be using/solving for a problem. We are currently looking to build an opt-in style customer research community - A group of customers that sign up to be willingly engaged often for feedback (surveys, requests for 1:1 deep dives, etc.). The XM Directory has a great capability of segmenting and profiling customers so that we reach out only to customers on topics that are relevant to them. Admittedly, what is missing is the ability to have a "platform" so to speak that creates engagement from the customer community. Something along the lines of a place where this community of customers can go to see what all is available to respond to, or a way for us to communicate back with them what we are learning/doing with their feedback, something that could be gamified, etc. (beyond just a newsletter email back to them).
Are any of you doing something like this? How have you solved for this opportunity? I would love any feedback you all have as we love the Qualtrics partnership and are excited to see how you all are creatively using it to create a customer research community. Looking forward to hearing from you!

Hi David,
Since managing a research program over the years, I've always had access to a branded community and I'll include a link at the end of each email for participants to check out newsletters and discuss results or what we're doing with their feedback. I also direct people to the community after they've signed up too.
As Qualtrics doesn't offer a community element to research, depending on the type of customers you have, you could use free community building tools, like Slack, a Facebook groups, Discord, etc.
Best of luck! Amy! Thats a good idea on the free community tool as a supplement. Would you happen to know anywhere I could go to see some examples of how communities might look/feel when having used one of those free tools? Thank you again for your time and input!

I can't seem to think or find a good example unfortunately. If you request to join the CMX community on FB, they're leaders and experts in community management. I suspect lots of professionals in there will have some examples they could show you how they're using free to use platforms.! We will check it out!

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