How can I format carried forward choices in a matrix question? | XM Community
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Hi there!
I'm new here so I hope that that's the right place for my question ;-)
I have a multiple choice question followed by a matrix where only the chosen Items should disappear. Carry forward works fine but the carried forward responses are small and should be formatted but I don't get the chance to open the Items with rich content editor because they are carried forward.
I'm thankfull for every hint :-)

I think if you format them where they are being forwarded from, then that formatting will also carry forward.

Thank you! I tried it and it works. I was a little confused because changing the size in the 1st question (no matrix but a multiple question) to 12 instead of default seemed too big but in the preview mode it was not but had positive impact on the carry forward question :-)

Glad it worked out!

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