How to upload "blanks"? | XM Community
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Good morning,

I have a request related to uploading data to Directory.
Premise, I have set Identity Resolution based on email.
When a contact with the same email is uploaded, this thing happens:
- "full" embedded data values overwrite the embedded data values of the contact already existing in Directory
- "empty" embedded data values do not overwrite "full" embedded data values

Example: if I have a field "wife" valued as "Daniela", I can load a row with the same mail, with the field "wife" valued as "Laura", updating it.
The problem, however, is that by loading a row with the same email with the "wife" field not valorized, the field is not "emptied" but remains "Daniela". Same thing if the field is filled with a "space".

Do you know if there is any coding that allows a blank to be overwritten to a value? (e.g. /space, /na...)?





I have the same problem. This behavior of Qualtrics to not allow updating existing embedded data fields by “blank” is highly dangerous and for me not understandable. I wasn’t aware of that behavior, and it happend that in a survey repeated this year (first sendout was 2023) with a newly uploaded contact list shows wrong results now (an embedded data variable used for filtering shows the text-entries from last year for all respondents who took part in the survey last year, but should have a “blank” field in this years survey). I now need to update / correct the survey results afterwards! And to make it even worse: I have a respondent funnel dashboard, which is now also incorrect - and as far as I know there is no way to correct the funnel data after the sendout. :-(  

Any comments / help with that is highly recommended.




Qualtrics will solve this issue with a new feature starting 16th October 2024:

Yes! :-)

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