If I anonymize responses in Survey Options, will I know who took the survey over in Target Audience? | XM Community
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I have a survey asking what might be considered more personal information so I want to anonymize the responses so panel members feel more comfortable taking the survey. I'm wondering if the reminder will still be smart (sent to those who haven't taken the survey) and if their response history will still be recorded as completed in Target Audience? I realize I can't tie their data to their email, but will I know who (based on email address) completed the survey? Thank you in advance!
hello @karahansobrien ,

You can filtered the data from the Data and analysis. By applying survey metadata as finished.

Below image will help you.

hey @karahansobrien ,

Hope this helps (from this support page),

You can download response history to know, u can skip reminder. from actual distribution you can download history.
I am relatively sure you are correct. It should just give respondents a randomly generate response ID. But if you use the "anonymous survey link" you will be unable to link the results back to the respondent (respondent history). !
Thanks for the speedy and helpful responses! Exactly what I needed to know 🙂

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