Survey Distribution Automation | XM Community
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I'm looking for a way to automate survey distributions from a contact list over time (i.e. monthly). I have manually scheduled distributions using separate contact lists in the past; however I'm looking to upload a list and automate the distributions from that list. Based on my research I have found that there is no way to automate survey distributions from a contact list without using XM Directory. Can some one confirm this for me?


This should be possible via a Scheduled Workflow. The options are Daily, Weekly, or Monthly. A bit more on that is here:

Workflows Basic Overview
After setting the schedule, you can then set up an "XM Directory Task" to Distribute the survey. Despite the name, this feature isn't just for those with XM Directory in their license. A bit more on setting that up is here:

XM Directory Task
Hope this helps!

Thank you!

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