Repeat question text within matrix choices | XM Community
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Repeat question text within matrix choices

Is there a way to repeat the question text at the top of a question within the matrix choices? Essentially I would like to repeat the question text ("Below you will be asked a series of questions…") in a similar fashion that the headers are repeated below.
Screen Shot 2022-05-05 at 12.59.38 pm.png
This for blocks that contain a question with a large number of matrix choices where I don't want participants forgetting the context to the items they're responding to.
I had considered splitting the single question into multiple questions within a single block, but I want all of the items to be randomised, and taking this approach would only allow me to randomise the items within a question and then the questions separately rather than what I currently have which is all statements randomised.

Hi there, while I am not sure how to go about including the question text alongside the Repeated Headers, I think a similar effect can be achieved by including the question text in the header and making the header fixed to the top of the page. Try adding the below to the HTML view of the Matrix question:

Then, place the below in the Onload section of the question's JavaScript, and be sure to update with whatever QID corresponds to your question:
jQuery('#QID9 > div.Inner.BorderColor.Likert > div > fieldset > legend > label').clone().appendTo('#Header');
The question text should now stay with the respondent across the whole page.

Thanks Tom_1842, that is pretty much what I am trying to achieve. Only drawback is that the header overlay on browser is not as wide as the questionnaire so the overlap is a bit awkward. Any ideas for how to overcome this? (Works a bit better on mobile because it covers the full width of the screen).
Screen Shot 2022-05-06 at 12.30.49 pm.png

Hmm I think it has something to do with the survey's Look & Feel, but it is not displaying that way on my end. Try importing the attached QSF where it's working for me. It uses the Blank Theme from the Presets and the Classic Layout. I also threw in some code so that the question text is a little smaller on Mobile and adjusted the padding-top to be around 120px to give the Header some extra room before the question starts. In the Logo portion of the Look & Feel, you can change the Style to "Floating" to have the header container span the width of the screen, but I think it looks pretty good as "Banner".

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