I need help with sending out a survey | XM Community
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I need help with sending out my survey. I had gone into Distribution and selected the Email option. Then in the email message, I had copied in the survey link/url (please see below). However, although I'd provided the link, I'm getting this message: "Message requires a survey link" -- and the Send button's greyed out. Am I doing something incorrectly? Thanks!

This is how I had pasted in my survey link/url:

Follow this link to the Survey:

https://tafensw.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/.... [I had put in the full link]

Follow the link to opt out of future emails:

${l://OptOutLink?d=Click here to unsubscribe}
You should include ${l://SurveyLink?d=Take the Survey} Wherever you want the link to appear, replacing "Take the Survey" with your message of choice. OR If you just want the actual link visible use this: ${l://SurveyURL}

I've been having a similar issue with this in the last week or so, I have checked the wording of the email and it does say what it's supposed to as suggested in the answer above, however it is still greyed out and I cannot send it if its an email from my library.

Any ideas/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
The following links aren't showing up in my end of survey message either.

${l://SurveyLink?d=Submit Another Evaluation}



The links do not appear at all when I preview the survey. I have no custom formatting. What am I missing?

And where can I find a listing of all the available builtin variables?
@shinydodad - check out this page that lists the built-in embedded data fields!

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