How can I add Star sign to a question? | XM Community
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As part of my survey, participants should choose between different hotel choices and I want to show hotel star levels using actual star symbols instead of writing "4 star".
Hey @MoFar! Check out this page about our slider star question type.
Thanks @LaurenK ! I didn't mean the star question type. In my question I have the following choices for example:

a) hotel A (4 star)

b)Hotel B (4.5 star)


Instead of writing 4 star in front of each hotel i want to use stars to show hotel grade, just like travel websites.
You can use the html entities `☆` (unfilled) and `★` (filled) and size and color them with html/css just like any other text.
Awesome, Thanks @TomG! can I have a half-filled star as well? (for a 4.5 star hotel for example)
> @MoFar said:

> Awesome, Thanks @TomG! can I have a half-filled star as well? (for a 4.5 star hotel for example)

I don't think there is a half-star html entity. I think you would have to use images if you want a half star.

Update: Actually, you can use css to format half a character. Example:

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