How to auto-advance a block and with using the same countdown timer on all pages? | XM Community
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I have multiple questions separated with page breaks in the block. I want to put a 5 minute time limit on the whole block. I want the timer to carry on to each question (i.e. so the timer does not restart). After the timer is up I want to redirect the users to the end of the survey, even if they have not completed all the questions.

I also do not want the timer to display on each page.

I have found that there is a partial answer to my question here ( but I would appreciate any advice that would help me achieve this.
I think using the timeRemaining and ('NextButton').click(); idea from the stackoverflow article above will get you through the pages in your block nicely. If I'm understanding your need correctly here, I believe you will need to set branch logic in your survey flow after each block with an End of Survey element if the time has expired. Could get a little repetitive if you have a large number of blocks, but has the side benefit of giving the respondent a custom end message so they no they ran out of time since you aren't displaying the clock.
I have a similar problem that I am trying to deal with. I have a block of 10 problems, each separated by page breaks. Participants should get 3 minutes to complete all 10 problems. After 3 minutes, they should automatically advance to the next block, even if they haven't gotten to all problems. I do NOT want any timer information displayed to the participant, I just want it advance to the next block after 3 minutes. I tried working with the code displayed above, but it seems a lot of this code deals with displaying the timer to the participant.

I was wondering if I could get some specific instructions on how to set up this 3 minute block timer without displaying the timer to the participant. I suspect it should be relatively simple, I just can't seem to implement it!
Hey @timothygg! Be sure to start a new discussion if you have any additional questions so it gets more visibility from other community members!
Create embedded data before that block with value equal to 300.

And add following javascript code on each page.


LZha were you able to find a solution to your question?

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