📚️ Utilizing the Table of Contents | Basecamp Wednesdays | September 6th 2023 | XM Community
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📚️ Utilizing the Table of Contents | Basecamp Wednesdays | September 6th 2023

  • September 6, 2023
  • 0 replies
📚️ Utilizing the Table of Contents | Basecamp Wednesdays | September 6th 2023
Former XM Community Team Member
  • Former XM Community Team Member
  • 447 replies

What is Basecamp Wednesdays?


Every Wednesday we will look at different topics discussed on XM Basecamp and provide a brief description of the Basecamp resource.

Whether you’re just getting started on your XM journey or ready to take your program to the next level, this weekly series is meant to help all users find Basecamp resources. 


Basecamp Wednesdays | September 6th 2023


Topic: Utilizing the Table of Contents


Whether you are creating a job application or conducting a research study where not every section applies to each respondent, the ability to easily navigate between question blocks creates a more time-effective and user-friendly experience. 


The table of contents is an element added to the survey flow that helps respondents manage lengthier surveys by displaying a list of all of the blocks included in the table and keeping track of their completed blocks. You can also customize the table by including a header, adding introduction & conclusion messages, and even displaying specific percentage completion of each block.


Increase your long survey’s usability by splitting it into multiple blocks and incorporating a table of contents element today!


Where to find this course:

  1. Go to XM Basecamp.
  2. Search for Customizing Survey Experiences.
  3. Click Register.
  4. Find the Survey Flow section.
  5. Select the Navigating Long Surveys with a Table of Contents module. 


Basecamp LinkCustomizing Survey Experiences

Qualtrics Resources: 

Questions of the Week: Have you ever used the Table of Contents before? What is your most common use case when using the TOC element?

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