📚️ Weighting Responses | Basecamp Wednesdays | September 13th 2023 | XM Community
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📚️ Weighting Responses | Basecamp Wednesdays | September 13th 2023

  • September 13, 2023
  • 2 replies
📚️ Weighting Responses | Basecamp Wednesdays | September 13th 2023
Former XM Community Team Member
  • Former XM Community Team Member
  • 447 replies

What is Basecamp Wednesdays?


Every Wednesday we will look at different topics discussed on XM Basecamp and provide a brief description of the Basecamp resource.

Whether you’re just getting started on your XM journey or ready to take your program to the next level, this weekly series is meant to help all users find Basecamp resources. 


Basecamp Wednesdays | September 13th 2023


Topic: Weighting Responses


Whether you’re analyzing overlapping variables or just one variable, the weighting tab provides survey makers with multiple weighting schemes to find the best fit for their data. In general, adding weights to response data helps to accurately reflect targeted demographics by giving more importance to certain responses & correcting any imbalances in the collected data.


Not only does the weighting tab include Raked and Interlocked weighting options, but it also contains a Wave-based weighting option that allows you to apply a unique weighting scheme to data aligned to a time period or category of your choosing. While weighting may seem overwhelming to learn, this Basecamp course includes interactive walkthroughs that take you step-by-step through the process of applying any of these schemes.


Improve your data’s demographic representation by incorporating weights into your data today!


Where to find this course:

  1. Go to XM Basecamp.
  2. Search for Exploring and Analyzing Your Data.
  3. Click Register.
  4. Find the Mining Data for Insights section.
  5. Select the Weighting Responses module. 


Basecamp LinkExploring and Analyzing Your Data

Qualtrics Resources: 

Questions of the Week: Have you ever implemented weighting on any of your surveys? If so, what was the use case? If not, why not?

2 replies

QPN Level 5 ●●●●●
  • 256 replies
  • September 13, 2023

We had made use of Static weighting for one of our clients as they wanted to weight some region more over the others using their specific weighting methods they were using in excel. 


They wanted to make use of the weighting on a combination of 10 point scale questions as well, for which I was not able to set it up using the weighting options Qualtrics provides and had to create a custom metric for the same.

Former XM Community Team Member
  • Author
  • Former XM Community Team Member
  • 447 replies
  • September 13, 2023
Aanurag_QC wrote:

We had made use of Static weighting for one of our clients as they wanted to weight some region more over the others using their specific weighting methods they were using in excel. 


They wanted to make use of the weighting on a combination of 10 point scale questions as well, for which I was not able to set it up using the weighting options Qualtrics provides and had to create a custom metric for the same.

I’m glad to hear that you have had experience using weighting! Hopefully future requests you have don’t require creating custom metrics and can be made directly in the weighting tab. 🙂

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