Ability to attach files to a ticket | XM Community
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Ability to attach files to a ticket

Level 3 ●●●


I’ve created a survey with a file upload question and am generating a ticket based on that including the filename and URL. So the file gets attached in that manner. But what if more files need to be attached to that ticket later? Has anyone found a way to do this?

I’ve been playing around and have found somewhat of a workaround but it’s kinda dumb and I don’t want to even propose it as an option to our end user.

My workaround is:

I have a workflow that generates a ticket, once the ticket is generated, send an email from within the ticket to themselves, reply with attachment then it gets attached to the ticket. 

I even attempted replying to the auto generated ticket email and a custom email notification but they were both undeliverable and weren’t able to be tied to the ticket in the same way replying to an email sent FROM the ticket is which makes sense because the reply-to email has some ticket specific information in it like the ticket key + some random ID. I wish there was a way to pass that in an automated fashion via email without having to trigger it via the Send Email button within the ticket. 

While typing this I also thought of potentially investigating if I can have them resubmit to the same response, but I don’t think that would add anything to the existing ticket, it would just generate a new one. Or perhaps some automated import but I still don’t see how that would get tied to the ticket I want it to...

Perhaps there’s just no way other than the current workaround I discovered until Qualtrics builds in that functionality.

3 replies

Level 5 ●●●●●

@courtrc , Good question. I do have to admit that I’ve worked in the platform of a Qualtrics Competitor (that shall remain unnamed) and they did the functionality to add other files to a case management ticket pretty easily.  Have you submitted a product enhancement for this request yet? 

Meanwhile, there is a way to do what you are trying to do, but … well… how good are you with the Qualtrics API? 


QPN Level 5 ●●●●●

With Qualtrics API you can achieve the requirement,

You will have to add some empty "ticket data” says file 2 URL, file 3 URL, file 4 URL

There should be one more ticket data which should have survey link something like "Add more files”, this link will be the survey link which will have a file upload question as well as you have to ask the user to enter the ticket id for which they want to add those additional file 

The call the below API through web service and pass the ticket data "file 2 URL” with the URL of the newly uploaded file. Likewise for file 3 URL, file 4 URL


Hope the explanation is clear :) 

Level 3 ●●●
  • Author
  • Level 3 ●●●
  • 52 replies
  • October 17, 2023

@MohammedAli_Rajapkar & @ThomasW_IronMountain thank you both for these suggestions! Apologies, I didn’t see these responses earlier. I will definitely add this as a product enhancement, because I feel like I can’t be the only person who’d want this and not have to leverage the API to do so. But in the meantime, when I do have to implement this (I was just trying to validate the possibilities for a future build), I will work with my IT team to see how we can implement it utilizing the API. 

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