I’ve created a survey with a file upload question and am generating a ticket based on that including the filename and URL. So the file gets attached in that manner. But what if more files need to be attached to that ticket later? Has anyone found a way to do this?
I’ve been playing around and have found somewhat of a workaround but it’s kinda dumb and I don’t want to even propose it as an option to our end user.
My workaround is:
I have a workflow that generates a ticket, once the ticket is generated, send an email from within the ticket to themselves, reply with attachment then it gets attached to the ticket.

I even attempted replying to the auto generated ticket email and a custom email notification but they were both undeliverable and weren’t able to be tied to the ticket in the same way replying to an email sent FROM the ticket is which makes sense because the reply-to email has some ticket specific information in it like the ticket key + some random ID. I wish there was a way to pass that in an automated fashion via email without having to trigger it via the Send Email button within the ticket.
While typing this I also thought of potentially investigating if I can have them resubmit to the same response, but I don’t think that would add anything to the existing ticket, it would just generate a new one. Or perhaps some automated import but I still don’t see how that would get tied to the ticket I want it to...
Perhaps there’s just no way other than the current workaround I discovered until Qualtrics builds in that functionality.