I have a title of a question that is dynamic based on previous answers. I need one of the static words to be bolded and put additional question information on the next line in a smaller case. I am able to pipe the correct values I need in javascript I am just unable to format the rest of it. Any help is appreciated. If the answer is css, how can I apply css format to static words?
This is what I have so far:
// Retrieve the answer of the field question
var fieldAnswerValue = "${e://Feild/Entity}";
// Retrieve the response from the follow-up question
var followUpResponseValue = "${e://Field/OtherEntity}";
// Specify the default question title
var defaultQuestionTitle = "Does {$Other} collect <static bold text>?"
// Define the additional line text
var additionalLineText = "Additional information."; < I need this on a new line with a smaller font. <br> and <span> isn’t working>
// Combine the question title and additional line text
var defaultQuestionTitle = defaultQuestionTitle + additionalLineText;
// Define the dynamic question title based on the field answer
var dynamicQuestionTitle;
if (fieldAnswerValue === 'Other') {
// Pipe the response from the follow-up question
dynamicQuestionTitle = defaultQuestionTitle.replace('{$Other}', followUpResponseValue);
} else {
// Use the field answer as the question title
dynamicQuestionTitle = defaultQuestionTitle.replace('{$Other}', fieldAnswerValue);
// Set the dynamic question title
qt = this.getQuestionContainer().querySelector(".QuestionText");
qt.innerText = dynamicQuestionTitle ;