Add row dynamically in Side By Side table | XM Community
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I am using Side by side table to collect user activity, I like to include "Add Activity" button option after 4th row. So user could click Add activity button and add rows dynamically based on how many activities user has performed.

I looked at, this gives option to show/hide existing rows in the side by side matrix. Is there any way to add rows using javascript? Thanks!
Screen Shot 2020-07-01 at 1.25.19 PM.png

Adding rows, using javascript, will not capture the data in qualtrics automatically, we need to use set embedded data or hidden qualtrics text fields to get the data captured.
So, I would recommend to create a maximum number of rows and use the code in the above mentioned post to get the required working setup.

Thanks for your response. Good to know. I will use show/hide option.

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