Coding End of Survey Scoring | XM Community
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Coding End of Survey Scoring

  • 10 November 2022
  • 6 replies

Dear all,
I am designing a research survey on Qualtrics (basically a science quizz), and would like my respondents to know their score at the end of the survey, as an incentive for them to participate (who wouldn't want to know their score at the end of a quizz?)
Unfortunately, the only Qualtrics scoring option reveals all the answers to the questions, which I want to avoid (I don't want the answers to the quizz to be leaked/shared by everyone).
Is there a way through coding to only reveal them a % of correct answers per topic (my 20-question quizz is split into four blocks). Or just to give them their score out of 20? Or even to give them a range to know whether they did well/bad, etc. Basically anything that does not reveal them all the answers but provides them with instant feedback would be appreciated.
Best Regards

6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +39

Don't show the default score option which is in scoring!
Use embedded data within survey flow pipe the total score there. Use that embedded data within survey flow end of survey text to just show the score you can also create branches and logic to show them if they did good/bad.
Hope it helps!

Userlevel 4
Badge +22

I've done something similar in the past using a combination of scoring and embedded data elements in the survey flow.
First, you could create a scoring category for each of the 4 block topics. For each category, assign a scored value of 1 for the correct answers and 0 for the incorrect options -- then your scored sum will equal the number of correct responses in that particular category (e.g., if Topic 1 as 3 questions and someone gets 2 correct answers, the scored value for that category will be 2). Here's what the scoring would look like for one category (repeat for each of the 4 categories):
image.pngThen in the survey flow, create a new embedded element at the end of your survey flow (or if you plan to show the scores earlier in the survey, be sure to move the element to immediately follow the block of relevant questions). Create a new variable called "Topic 1 Score" and set it to equal a mathematical operation that calculates the score based off of the scored value for Topic 1 (use piped text for that value, but watch your syntax when using it within a math operation!). The equation will be [piped text for scored value] / [total number of questions in that topic] * 100, which would give you the percentage of items they got correct. That might look something like:
image.pngOnce these variables are created in your survey flow, you can pipe them into your survey (insert piped text of the embedded variable) to show the value to the respondent. You might want to consider creating a custom end message for the survey that will display these values once the survey is submitted to ensure they submit their responses. Here's what that might look like:
image.pngHope this helps!! 😊

Badge +1

Dear JonesE ,
Thanks for your answer,
I should have mentioned I've never done any coding/programming, but your answer is so clear and helpful I think I might just be able to make it work! I'll try it today and let you know 🙂
Many thanks to you and Deepak too! 🙂

Userlevel 4
Badge +22

Louisbach I'm glad it was helpful!! You can totally do this! 🙂

Userlevel 1
Badge +3

@JonesE how do you remove the decimal places from the percentage?

Userlevel 1
Badge +3

@JonesE nevermind. I found it.

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