Display error immediately after a wrong response | XM Community
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I have created a matrix with 17 rows and 2 columns. The user has to enter his response in the form of rating (1-10) in those 2 columns for those 17 rows. I want the error “Please enter a number between 1 and 10 only” to be displayed when:

  1. The user enters 0 or number more than 10
  2. The user enters an alphabet
  3. The user enters negative values.

This was possible through qualtrics customized error validation. But the error gets displayed only after the user clicks on the submit button. I want the error to be displayed as soon as the customer enters wrong value(that is the value against the conditions mentioned above).
Since there are 17 rows it becomes difficult to trace back to where the error has been made. Hence I want it to get displayed as soon as the user inputs wrong value. It is my sincere request to please help me with this.
PS: The error should be displayed in red and in Ubuntu font

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