Display scale point for only 1 statement in matrix table | XM Community
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I have a matrix table with 5 scale points as standard, however I’d like to add in an additional scale point (NA) for just 1 of the statements in the matrix table. Could someone please advise on how to do so?


you have 2 ways to do that:

1- on the left hand side, you can click on the + sign under “Scale points” to add an additional scale point

2- click on the last scale point and click enter, an additional scale point will be added.

Thanks for responding. The issue is that I only want this scale point added to 1 of the statements in my matrix table, not applied to all of them - so I need to either hide this as an option for the other statements, or disable the ability to choose this scale point for all bar 1 statement.

oh, got your question. Qualtrics doesn’t have this by default.  A workaroud would be adding the statement in another question.



You would have to add the NA scale point to the question, then use JS to hide and/or disable NA for the statements that shouldn’t have it. 

Thanks Tom - would you happen to have the JS that I’d need to include to do that? I’m not well versed with JS at all unfortunately!

Making the assumptions:

  1. You are not using simple layout
  2. The last scale point is NA
  3. The one statement with the NA scale point is last


Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload(function() {
var na = jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" td.last");
na.each(function(i) { if(i<(na.length-1)) jQuery(this).find("*").hide(); });


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