email validation | XM Community
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I would like to collect email address from respondent in a text field and confirm it in an other, I put the two in a form.
I would like to be able to validate that the two emails are the same, other wise show error message

You can use custom validation on the second question, where you are asking the email address.

Thank you for replying,
I tried this, but the dialog opened only allow me to enter literal text in the [is equal to] field.
I would like the condition to be between the two email fields.

Thanks, so in the last text entry of custom validation, you can pipe the text entry of first email entry question.

I am not a frequent user to Quadratics, so a simple trick may need a little help.
the wizard doesn't allow me to select an other question to pipe in its value, the field provided is a plain text field.

is there is a formula I can use?
also since the email question and the confirm email question are in the same form, I don't or couldn't find the field variable name to use it in the pipe formula.

Thank you can first get the piped text, by just piping it in the question text. Cut it from the question text and paste it in the last text entry of the custom validation.

very clever and it is working fine.

appreciate your help

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