Expand/collapse grouped response options for multiple choice question | XM Community
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I have a multiple choice question with 85 response options organized into ten groups. I’d like to collapse the groups so it’s easier for respondents to navigate the options (this is not a drill-down question). They would be able to expand a group, select any responses, then collapse it again.


I’ve experimented with the accordion function in JS, but I don’t know JS well-enough to get it to work. Has anyone tried this and gotten it to work? Or is there another approach? Thanks in advance.

@Paul25 I believe @TomG have a custom solution for this. You can contact him for more
Unfold new statement upon click on another statement in multiple choice question | XM Community (qualtrics.com)

@Paul25 I believe @TomG have a custom solution for this. You can contact him for more
Unfold new statement upon click on another statement in multiple choice question | XM Community (qualtrics.com)

@Paul25 - In addition to the mcSubChoices function referred to by @dxconnamnguyen, I’ve also have a function to expand/collapse MC choice groups (no wiki page for it). The functionality is pretty basic. Demo.

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