I want to preform something similar to this: [![ a little box where people can put a number right next to a list containing day, week, and month ][1]][1] (found in https://ojs.ub.uni-konstanz.de/srm/article/view/5813 by Dr. Tarek El Baghal) but for a matrix question (meaning I have a set of regular behaviors I want to analyze, that may or not be present, and I want to find their frequency using something as objective as possible rather than something vague or too many questions that’ll make the survey excessively tedious
(to be excessively clear, I want to ask about how often a particular positive diagnostic strategy is used rather than diagnosis by exclusion for a certain disease)
TL;DR: me med student want to do good research but qualtrics is fiddly
1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/UwSSj.png