How should I record keystrokes on the keyboard when a participant is taking a survey? | XM Community
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Hello, I am working on a survey that asks user to write things in text box. I want to record down all the keys pressed when the user is writing to avoid copy/pasting from elsewhere. 


Can someone help suggest how I should do this or provide some references? 


Thank so much!

Hello @rosiezhang ,


I had same doubt few years ago, and there was no solution at that time, not sure about now. We used to check time spent on that OE question and calculate an average time {after excluding top 10% (who took extra ordinary time on page) and low 10% (speeders)}. Hope this helps if you don't find any other solution:)

I am not sure about recording every key press, but the code in this thread will prevent respondents from pasting text into an input field.

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