Inserting text at the end of a slider in a constant-sum slider question? | XM Community
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Hi everyone

I was wondering whether there is any way to achieve the following.

It currently looks like this;


but we'd like it to look like this;


so I want to insert elements at the end of the each of the sliders in a constant sum slider question and on the left hand side as a form of axis label. Is there any way to do this? I don’t see any option to add javascript to the actual slider element of the question.

Any help or clarification about whether this is possible would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks!
It's very complicated, but possible. Just like any other question, you add JS to the question and it interacts with the question's html elements (in this case the sliders' elements).
Many thanks for the response, it is much appreciated and now I know that my efforts aren't in vain!

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