Logo according to langage | XM Community

Logo according to langage

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Hi everyone,

I would need your help as I have a multi country survey so I created one project with several langage but my logo is different for one country.

How can I adapt the logo for specific langage/country ? As the logo appears on each page of my survey!

Thanks for your help.

10 replies

Userlevel 7
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You haven’t given us much to go on, so I’ll make an assumption that the logo image is the background of the logo element. In which case, you can add this JS to your survey header:

Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload(function() {
if(jQuery("#Q_lang").val()=="/*Language code goes here*/") {
jQuery("#Logo").css("background-image", "url(/*url of logo image goes here*/)");


Userlevel 3
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Sorry maybe I didn’t provide enough details.

I am sending out a survey in differents languages and I would that the logo change automatically according to the respondent langage.   Is there an option in the look and feel section to add different images and have them change based on the respondents language ?

Here is how it is diplayed at the moment : 

I am not really comfortable with CSS code, if you can explain me step by step in case I need CSS code.



Userlevel 7
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Sorry maybe I didn’t provide enough details.

I am sending out a survey in differents languages and I would that the logo change automatically according to the respondent langage.   Is there an option in the look and feel section to add different images and have them change based on the respondents language ?

Here is how it is diplayed at the moment : 

I am not really comfortable with CSS code, if you can explain me step by step in case I need CSS code.



No, there isn’t a look & feel option to do it automatically. You’ll have to do it with JavaScript in the header or footer. You can add css directly (like the JS code above does) and add css to custom CSS then have JS add a class to activate it. Did you try to code I provided replacing the language code and logo url with the appropriate values?

Userlevel 3
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No I didn’t try yet, but I am not pretty comfortable with this langage… I will try. But what do you mean by logo URL to insert, I have the logo images in PNG format. 

And where should I insert this code exactly ? 


Userlevel 7
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No I didn’t try yet, but I am not pretty comfortable with this langage… I will try. But what do you mean by logo URL to insert, I have the logo images in PNG format. 

Upload the log image to your Qualtrics library is you haven’t already. Go to the image in your Qualtrics library, View it and copy the url.  Paste the url in the code to replace the string /*url of logo image goes here*/.

And where should I insert this code exactly ? 

Look & Feel → General → Header → edit → <> icon (source mode)

Userlevel 3
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I tried the langage code but doesn’t look to work… 

Actually I will need the same logo for all country except one which is Italy. 

Sound like a good option to adjust it in the header but I would need more support.  

This code doesn’t work but not sure it use it well as not familiar with langage code. Below what I added :

<script> Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload(function() { if(jQuery("#Q_lang").val()=="/IT/") { jQuery("#Logo").css("background-image", "url(/https://showroom.qualtrics.com/ControlPanel/Graphic.php?IM=IM_d1qJErA7aMLkHZj/)"); } }); </script>

Userlevel 7
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I had to guess on how the logo is set up. I can’t provide any further help unless you post a public preview link to your survey or a block in your survey.

Userlevel 3
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Please find the public preview link : https://showroom.qualtrics.com/jfe/preview/previewId/80a09f3f-4cff-40aa-ae22-a321d86d0a90/SV_1SLWYi2j3aq1upE?Q_CHL=preview&Q_SurveyVersionID=current


Hope it helps… 

Current logo is the one used for all country except for Italy.

Userlevel 7
Badge +27

@Coraline.Deroletz Looks like your Q_Lang and image URL have some extra slashes. Try adding the below to the survey’s header using the HTML/Source view “<>”. 

Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload(function() {
if(jQuery("#Q_lang").val()=="IT") {
jQuery("#Logo > img").attr("src", "https://showroom.qualtrics.com/ControlPanel/Graphic.php?IM=IM_d1qJErA7aMLkHZj");



You haven’t given us much to go on, so I’ll make an assumption that the logo image is the background of the logo element. In which case, you can add this JS to your survey header:

Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload(function() {
if(jQuery("#Q_lang").val()=="/*Language code goes here*/") {
jQuery("#Logo").css("background-image", "url(/*url of logo image goes here*/)");


Hello! I found this post while trying to solve a similar issue but it didn't quite work. 
From what I can see in the code and in the survey's preview, the default logo for this survey (the one you pick from the "logo" options) is an <img> inside the div, which makes it seem like the image in portuguese is behind the one in spanish. Should I write the code differently and "exclude" the logo from the version in spanish?



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