Making statement exclusive in Matrix table with the dropdown list | XM Community
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Hello! I have a question in a matrix table with several statements. Statements go the following way: all, 1, 2, 3, 4....until 10. In the scale points (a dropdown list) I have the one/same list of countries for each statement. I am trying to block all statements (1,2,3,4....until 10) and make them grey IF in the statement "all" any answer is selected. (i.e., make this statement exclusive). And if any answer is chosen in statements from 1 to 10, then "all" statement is greyed out and locked.
For example: if a respondent chooses that my "all" children are in X country, then he/she cannot choose answers for each individual child 1, 2, 3... until 10 and vice versa.
I hope someone can help with the code for this one.

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