Hi @EvaZw you can use custom validation to create a specific combination of conditions through which respondent can pass the questions.
NOTE: This can prove to be lengthy and complicated if you have large number of statements and scale points.
You can use this as long as you aren’t using Simple layout.
Thank you @TomG! The code works! I have applied it in a multi-choice carousel where the 9th column is exclusive.
Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload(function() {
/* carouselExclusive.js */
/* Thomas Gibbons Consulting (qualtricswiki.tgibbons.com) */
var q = jQuery(this.questionContainer);
// Add 'exclusiveCB' class to checkboxes in column 9
q.find(".CarouselAnswerButtonContainer").each(function() {
var columnIndex = jQuery(this).index();
if (columnIndex === 8) { // Column index is zero-based, so column 9 is index 8
var cbs = q.find("(type=checkbox]"),
exCbs = cbs.filter(".exclusiveCB"),
notExCbs = cbs.not(exCbs);
exCbs.click(function() {
if (this.checked) cbs.not(this).prop("checked", false);
notExCbs.click(function() {
if (this.checked) exCbs.prop("checked", false);