Month-Year dropdown calculation/ validation | XM Community
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I have a drop-down question where I’m asking “start” Month and Year. I’ll probably use a side-by-side question.


I then have a second question where I’m asking “end” Month and Year - again using a side-by-side question.


Is it possible to validate that the “end” month-year is not earlier than the “start” month-year?

I suggest using a date picker where respondents can choose dates off the calendar icon. Instructions here on the javascript for that:


Also, with this code, you can add the calendar date picker icon into your survey question and in the parts that I highlighted in blue, you can specify what the minimum and maximum dates that they can select are. Dates outside this range won’t be allowed to be selected.


    jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" .InputText").flatpickr({altInput: true, altFormat: "m-d-Y", dateFormat: "m-d-Y", minDate:"05-21-2022", maxDate: "12-31-2022"});

    /*Place your JavaScript here to run when the page is fully displayed*/


    /*Place your JavaScript here to run when the page is unloaded*/


Thanks @ash123 

I only wanted respondents to be able to choose month and year - so would the flatpickr month plugin work?

I saw a post on that: Using Flatpicker for Month/Year | XM Community ( - but I’m assuming I need to change what is shown in the Look&Feel Header code, but that seems to be missing from the post?

Thanks @ash123 

I only wanted respondents to be able to choose month and year - so would the flatpickr month plugin work?

I saw a post on that: Using Flatpicker for Month/Year | XM Community ( - but I’m assuming I need to change what is shown in the Look&Feel Header code, but that seems to be missing from the post?


I found them online, you need to add:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">


<script src=""></script>

to get the Flatpickr for Month/Year to work...

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