Move text entry box in multiple choice question | XM Community
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I noticed recently that my text entry boxes in my multiple choice questions now appear before the text (see screenshot of example below). It was not like this before and none of the javascript I can find on other help forums fixes it. I would like it to either be below ‘Other’ or to the right. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!




Have you made any recent updates to your theme or javascript?


This is a weird use case you are facing if you have not made any changes to the theme or added any Javascript or any HTMS tags in the rich content editor of the option.

If not, you can try to disable the allow text entry for the “other” option and try enabling the allow text entry again.

Hi @davan015 , If you could post example survey link, I can try to help.




Hi @davan015 

Found a post related to this . Hope this helps


Hi @EmilyErickson 


I have added some custom CSS in the Look and Feel Stylee section. Below is the CSS I added to fix an issue with my matrices. 



 .Matrix {max-width:100%!important;}

Thank you all for your input! For some reason it has decided to fix itself and is now showing the text box under the other option (like I wanted). Not sure what happened.

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