Place Clicks/Add Points on Heat Maps With JavaScript | XM Community
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How do I reference/change the coordinates of clicks in heat map questions?

I want to make a hidden heat map question that automatically clicks on certain predefined coordinates on an image, depending on other questions.

Example: Respondents answer questions about tables in a restaurant where I basically I determine whether or not a table is "ok". If it's not, I want a hidden heat map question to place clicks (sadly only up to 10) on the heat map, where each pair of coordinates correspond to a table.

I want to display the heat map in my reports and see critical tables being highlighted there.

Reading coordinates of a heat map question is done by this code:


but how do I change it?

I have used something similar, but the code looked like this:

jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" .InputText").val("some string")

I suppose I have to replace ".InputText" with something else, but I don't know what. How could I find out without asking here?

Best Regards


A column name for a coordinate in exported data looks like this:


This probably means I will need to tweak my query anyway.

A value in the data tab for this question looks like this:

["POINT (318 41)","POINT (286 24)","POINT (529 112)"]

This is an array of points, so does this mean I can add (or remove) points to an existing array or do I have to pass a whole array to Qualtrics?

Any help appreciated.
You can't. The heatmap image is an SVG, so you have no control over it with JavaScript.

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