Presenting ranked order in next question | XM Community
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Is there a way to present a previous ranking again, in the specific order respondents ranked it in a previous question?
Basically, my idea is to let them fill in some experiences using form fields in Q1, then present those in a next question where they can rank their experiences using (drag and drop) rank order in Q2. I was able to do this easily by presenting piped text. Now the problem arises in the next step: I want to present them with their ranked experiences in Q3, and add a few other experiences to the list that they should rank along with their previous ranking. It's important that the ranking is preserved. However, using piped text I can only present with either the rank of each item (e.g. 1,2,3 etc) or the text of each item in the order that it was written in Q1 (which is the same order as in Q2 before they rank the items).
Is there any way to present the items AND their order in the ranking question?


IreneTabo I'm sure you saw that you can pipe in the First and Last choices, but that doesn't seem to solve your problem.
Using embedded data you can pipe in the previous choices and their rank, but they wouldn't appear in order. For instance, if you ranked Q1 in B, A, C order, Q2 could offer the choices A-2, B-1, C-3 which would remind the respondent of the old order, it just wouldn't appear in that order. (see attached QSF)
delete_me (2).qsfWould that work?

I was only able to make it work for the lowest and highest rank, but storing them in Embedded Data fields.

I was able to make it work with a bunch of survey logic and embedded data. The more answers you have to rank the more If statements you have to do.

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