Randomize blocks keeping page breaks | XM Community
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Randomize blocks keeping page breaks

  • 24 July 2018
  • 5 replies

I want to randomize all questions of specific blocks. However, when I use Qualtric's default features, all page breaks are lost and I want to maintain them. Is there any code I can add in order to randomize the questions and still keep the page breaks?

Thanks in advance!

5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +20
You can try having each question on its own block and then use "randomizer" to randomized the block.
(Block itself add a page break)
Userlevel 7
Badge +13
Hey @marcomzp! Check out this page on Advanced Question Randomization. You'll notice a Questions per Page section where you can choose the number of questions you would like per page.
Hi @LaurenK ! Is there a way to display an unequal number of questions per page? For our survey, we are trying to show 6 questions (break) one text block (break )1 question (break) 1 question (break), 6 questions (break) within a large block with advanced randomization. Is there a way to do this? Or add page breaks within the advanced randomization? I included a picture of what our randomization looks like. !
Userlevel 7
Badge +13
Hi @morgan_me_23! For the most immediate response to your support related question, you'll want to reach out to our Support team!

@marcomzp @MohammedAli_Rajapkar @LaurenK @morgan_me_23 

This is an old thread but I have an easier solution that may help others who find themselves here (like I did). You absolutely can create new blocks with one question per block but I find it tedious to reorganize individual blocks in survey flow. Instead, I recommend going to Edit Block > Block Behavior > Question Randomizer > Advanced Randomization (set up) > Questions per page = Select 1. This solution allow you to keep randomized blocks but displays only one question per page. You can adjust the order using Fixed Display Order if there are particular questions that you do not want part of the randomization. 

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