Score does not show | XM Community
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Hello, I created a new scoring category (pic1, pic 2) and unlike my others the values don't show within the block. You can see the block in pic 3. Subjects answer a question and move to a second question depending on their choice. If they press Yes, the subjects move back to the question and the score "Press Correction" should be 1. However the score is always 0 if they move back.

Do you know where the mistake might be?
Hey @liss_SK, what are the recode values on your Multiple choice questions? Standard in Qualtrics is yes is 1, no is 2.


You may need to update your recode values to 1 and 0 if that's what you'd like to use.

For testing purposes, you may also try flipping the answer values, making yes 0 and no 1 and seeing if that changes your results. If the value of Press Correction is still 0 when you select yes, something is wrong in your logic. If the value is 1 when you flip the answer values, you know something is connected backwards. It at least gives you a starting point. Hope this helps!

Scoring is completely independent and unrelated to recode values.

My guess is that Qualtrics' scoring algorithm only updates scores when the Next button is clicked and doesn't update scores when the Previous button is clicked.

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