Simple HTML in question text no longer working? | XM Community
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In old Qualtrics surveys, I've successfully used some simple HTML effects under the question's "HTML view" with code like this:

<p style=”text-align:center; color:black; background:LightCyan; font-weight:bolder; border:1px solid PaleTurquoise; padding:5px;”>

Some signpost text that gives guidance to respondents


This code still works when I view old surveys, but it doesn't work in new surveys. What's up?

Here's one bit of info that may be helpful for diagnosis. I've noticed that the "Look & Feel Theme" I was using on the old surveys seems to be unavailable for new surveys. I cant' find any new themes that support the simple HTML. But maybe the problem has nothing at all to do with the L&F theme.

Let me mention what <u>won't</u> work for what I'm doing. Neither the "Look & Feel editor" nor "Adding Custom CSS" are the answers here. I'm not looking for any global, survey-wide changes. I'm only looking for some very localized HTML to create simple and specific effects in certain spots in the questions.
Nevermind, I found the problem. Somewhere, somehow, the basic double-quotes were replaced with formatted double-quotes, and that was preventing the CSS from being recognized. It's all good now.

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