Simple Layout SBS with 1 statement. Override the CSS width | XM Community
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Hi All,

In Simple Layout i have a generic SBS table with 3 statements. In Custom CSS i have set a max-width of 85% since that suits the content. These SBS have been simply formatted.

I also have a series of simple 2-choice Multiple choice questions BUT to maintain the stylistic look of the survey i am trying to make those MC questions into a single statement SBS. It makes the whole form look consistent.

BUT, with only one statement how do i override the CSS and make those specific questions more compact?

i have tried css to target the specific question #QID156 but haven’t found the correct element names.

Also, i don’t need a Statement header so i have just called it ‘ ‘ ie: a single press of the spacebar, but i’m wondering if i can minimise the height of the statement header.

Currently it looks like this at 85% page width. 50% would look much better.


Got an answer.

To target a specific SBS Table, Simple Layout, to override a default width (eg 90%), this will work

It was the that i couldn’t figure out before


/*reduce the width of a specific SBS table*/ {
     max-width: 50%;

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