Star Slider: place question above the stars | XM Community
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I'm looking for a way to ask long questions in combination with a star slider.

Standard; the space for the text is very limited, so if you type a long question it appears on many lines.

I found this:

that works great on desktop to combine long questions with the star slider;

however on mobile it becomes completely unusable.

So I thought, maybe a solution would be to make the question text appear above the stars, instead of next to them.

Is there a way to do that?




Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload(function() {

jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" tr").each(function() {

var row = jQuery(this);

var th = row.before("<tr></tr>").find("th").attr("colspan","4").css("text-align","left");




Thanks @TomG, it works 😀

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