Survey - Password Protection | XM Community
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Hi All

With this enabled.

  1. How can I change the copy?
  2. How can I make the box full length and possibly change the height?
  1. How would I change the copy of the NEXT button on this page, no question appears in the survey so I can’t access the NEXT/BACK button tool.

Thanks :)



The Question doesn’t load but the look and feel elements do get loaded you can use below CSS to modify that for your first 2 queries.

.Skin inputptype=password]{
width: -webkit-fill-available;
height: 100px;

Can you elaborate your 3rd query?

Sorry to hijack this but @Deepak, I just want to update the content of the text from “This survey requires a password” to something else - how can I do that please?

Hello @KateD,

You can include below code in look and feel> header> source and change the text in this as required.

var label = jQuery('label').eq(0).attr('for');
if (label=='QR~Password'){
jQuery('label').eq(0).text('survey requires a password')

Hope it helps!

@Deepak, that works!! Thank you!!

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