Using previous answer to populate autocomplete from one file | XM Community
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I have a file containing U.S. universities, and the state each school is in.  I want users to choose their university’s state from a drop-down list.  The next question would ask the user what their university is.  I want this question to use autocomplete and I want the state they choose in the previous question to limit the choices they see.  For instance, if someone chooses “Kansas”, the autocomplete question would show schools from Kansas only (drawn from the file I described above).  I don’t want to use drill down because that would necessitate 50 different files and I prefer the autocomplete method of entry for such a large list.

This should be achieved using the Qualtrics in-built functionality try this link for quick reference. 

Hope this helps.

Thank you.  I do have a Supplemental Data source set up that contains all states and universities.  I have not been successful in setting it up so that the state chosen in the previous question limits the universities shown in current autocomplete question.  If this is possible through Qualtrics’ in-built functionality, I will take my question to an appropriate area in the forum. 


Just to make sure, if I am understanding you correctly, using Qualtrics’ in-built functionality, it is possible to control the choices available on an autocomplete question using an answer from a previous question, needing only one Supplemental Data source?

Yes, that should work...also Qualtrics Support should be able to guide you on this.

Thanks.  I figured it out.  The “Suggested text filter” under “Manage autocomplete” doesn’t work if you’re trying to base it on a previous multiple choice question.  I changed the state question’s format to text entry and autocomplete.  Now I can filter by it.

Very well done, keep it up. 

Hello @Swanand_Chavan_Ugam,


I know this is an old post but are you able to explain how you accomplished this? I have a use case that is very similar to yours and I want to know how you set this up. 

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