Using Qualtrics Highlight question with text pulled from a server | XM Community
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I am trying to make a custom feature where participants highlight text that has been pulled from a server. I am using the Qualtrics highlight question, and at the moment I am able to display the text from the server in the question, but not able to populate the section where the highlighting feature is enabled. Please see photo for reference.


The text from the top half of the photo in bullet points was pulled from a server, but you cannot highlight any of the text there. The paragraph in the bottom half of the photo was copy pasted in to the section where highlighting is enabled. Is there a way to populate this section with text from a server using Javascript?

Thanks for your help!
Yes, each word/phrase in the highlight text is in a span (span.HLTextWord). So, if you start with placeholder words in the highlight text you can replace the words using JavaScript.

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