Hello! I have a question about validation of responses in constant sum questions.
I have noticed that if I add validation (e.g. must total 100) to a total sum question or to a matrix question with matrix type ‘constant sum’, and if this requirement is not met (response does not equal 100), then all the respondent’s existing responses are cleared. If there are several constant sum questions on one page and one of the questions does not meet the condition, ALL the existing responses for ALL the questions are cleared (even the ones they had completed correctly). So, the respondent would need to complete all the questions again. This does not happen for other question types with validation checks. For other question types, the original responses are kept in the fields, allowing respondents to revise (rather than re-type) their responses.
I was wondering if there is a way to keep the responses in the fields (while still showing an error and not allowing the participant to progress until the condition is met), so that instead of having to rethink/retype all their responses, the respondent could just revise their existing responses? I think respondents would find this helpful, even if there is only one question per page.
Thank you very much in advance!