Warning/pop-up message when answer is outside of numeric range of a text entry type question | XM Community
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Dear all,

I have a text entry question type that asks for the age of the participant.

It aims participants between 10 and 19 years old.

Therefore whenever an answer is below 10 or greater than 19, I would like to have a warning/pop-up message.

How can I achieve this?


Thank you for your help.

Hi @deeann,

I recommend utilizing the 'Drilldown' question type for your specific requirement. However, if you prefer to proceed with the 'Text Entry' question, you can implement a custom validation as illustrated in the screenshot below:

 Let me know if this works for you.

Hi there, thank you for 

Hi @deeann,

I recommend utilizing the 'Drilldown' question type for your specific requirement. However, if you prefer to proceed with the 'Text Entry' question, you can implement a custom validation as illustrated in the screenshot below:

 Let me know if this works for you that suggestion. I actually wanted to keep track of all possible ages, but indeed I may use the drill down and shrinking the possible answers.


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