Displaying uploaded files in a dashboard | XM Community
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Displaying uploaded files in a dashboard

  • 29 July 2020
  • 3 replies

In our survey we ask customers to take photos and upload these using the file upload question type and this can work well enough.
However, what isn't clear is how we can show these in CX dashboards? I can't quite see how the image widget type would work for this, or any other.
Has anyone managed this before?

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Cant do it. You may be able to provide the link to the file (photo), that can be downloaded, but you can't show the image.

Badge +2

Hi Akdashboard I can only find the file ID, Name, Type and size in the field mapping. How is it possible to put the url?

Badge +1

I’m wondering the same thing. Is there no workaround for this?

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