Addressing the question of trust and anonymity | XM Community
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Addressing the question of trust and anonymity

  • 22 July 2024
  • 1 reply

Any suggestions or approaches on how can we address and alleviate the concerns of employees who distrust the computer-based survey process (they currently will only entertain using a handwritten survey). Any ideas on ensuring them of their anonymity and the security of their data, given that in this instance all our survey data will handled by a third-party for analysis?

1 reply

Userlevel 5
Badge +17

Hi @craigoliver-walsh 👋🏼

Building trust and engagement with employees regarding digital surveys can be challenging, especially when there's skepticism about data privacy and usage. Let me describe some things you can tackle. 

1. Transparency: Clearly explain the purpose of the survey and how the data will be used. Provide details about the security measures in place to protect their data.

2. Anonymity Assurance: Emphasize that the survey responses are anonymous and that the third-party company ensures that no identifying information is shared back with the organization. Of course, this is only possible if you actually anonymize the response data. If not already done, you may check Qualtrics pseudoanonymization feature.

3. Communicate Benefits: Highlight the benefits of the survey for employees, such as improvements in the workplace, better policies, and enhanced employee well-being based on their feedback.

4. Regular Updates: Provide regular updates on the survey process and any actions taken as a result of the feedback. Keeping employees in the loop can increase their engagement.

5. Leadership Endorsement: Have leadership openly support the survey process and emphasize its importance. When leaders show trust in the process, employees are more likely to follow.

6. Address Concerns: Hold Q&A sessions or provide a platform where employees can express their concerns about the survey and receive direct responses.

7. Voluntary Participation: Make it clear that participation is voluntary. Pressure-free environments encourage more honest and willing participation.

In the EX programs we are consulting all of that is usually considered. My personal „must-haves“ are 1, 2 and 7. At the end, you may not be able to implement all of the suggestions. It depends on your survey process. However, I hope you still got some ideas from that.



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