2-way SMS after a detractor completes email survey | XM Community
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2-way SMS after a detractor completes email survey

  • September 17, 2023
  • 4 replies




Wondering if we can set up a trigger/Thank You 2-way SMS once someone submits negative feedback via a survey (distributed via email with link) to ask if they want to be contacted about their remarks? This could be a Detractor in NPS or marked a multiple choice as somewhat or extremely dissatisfied.



4 replies

  • Level 6 ●●●●●●
  • 241 replies
  • September 18, 2023

@LibbyB yes it’s definitely possible as long as you have sms functionality/credits set up etc.  You can set up workflow triggered by a survey response (i.e. detractor) and then use the SMS survey task within the workflow to trigger the SMS.    If this was purely based on someone being a detractor, you could always have a conditional question within the survey to ask at the end if they want a call - saving you from the sms costs and this additional workflow. Assuming you want this to appear like someone has read the feedback and is following up; so the workflow is good for this as you can set up specific times this is triggered (or have it done real time).

Using workflow function you can also send a thank you email, or a number of different tasks.  Refer here for more information on workflow set-up Workflows Basic Overview (qualtrics.com)  



  • 3 replies
  • September 18, 2023

@LibbyB interesting use case and great idea. @ScottG I believe your feedback is valid, and I think while there is the added SMS costs, I can see how this approach could give the perception of being more responsive to the customer’s feedback.

You could combine these and make them rule-based.

Display the conditional question requesting if they want a follow up. If they respond yes, don’t send the SMS. 

If they respond no, time delay the SMS and then send the SMS and give them another opportunity. 

My thought process here is someone might think, “oh no one really reads the survey responses” and therefore if they answer yes for follow up they not really anticipating one, so they just say no. Whereas if someone gets and SMS, that feels a little more personal, and it could be personalized of the survey responses, and they may desire a follow up from the SMS survey approach.


i am looking at explring a similar option. 


Where if the respondent is a promoter and doesnt want to be contacted. send them a Thank you SMS. 

We have a option to send them another SMS invite but no thank you sms. 

Even if we dont use a link in the SMS invite and send that as a thank you SMS without a link, the respondent has to be a part of a directory segment (or something on those lines). **but i wonder if i use a directory segment, then how will Qualtrics send an SMS to that particular respondent only, and not the entire segment. 

  • Level 6 ●●●●●●
  • 241 replies
  • September 19, 2023

@qualtirc_novice I don’t have sms set up to check the configurations (we disabled it to meet our internal requirements to not use links in sms); but believe you should be able to do it to an individual not an entire segment by creating the required conditions as a workflow.  The task to choose is still to send an sms survey, but this definitely can go to each individual that meets the criteria you set. 

Using SMS to send pure thank you message might be a good idea to lodge in Evolve.



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