Embedded data/text pipping for pictures | XM Community
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Embedded data/text pipping for pictures


My questionnaire is rather straightforward and each question (6 total) has the same format:

A food (for example, chocolate mousse) and two options: chocolate mousse A with two pictured labels (picture of label A and picture of label B) and chocolate mousse B with two different pictured labels (label C and label D).

Participants have to choose from these two options. Simple as that.

What I haven’t been able to do so far - since I am really new at Qualtrics - is to randomly flip the labels for each food (label A ↔ B; each label is an independent image) and flip the order of food options (food option A ↔ food option B) but have it so that I know precisely what has been shown to each participant (for data analysis purposes).

Here below is, with random labels, what I am talking about.

I was told that I should just work with embedded data and pipped text but don’t know where to start.



3 replies

QPN Level 5 ●●●●●
  • QPN Level 5 ●●●●●
  • 414 replies
  • July 30, 2024

@Marc098765 To randomly flip the food options (as I understood those are your two choices per question), you could work with choice randomization:


  • Author
  • 1 reply
  • July 30, 2024

Thank you for your answer. Flipping the food options is one element which I know how to do following the randomization function presented in the above shared linked but I was wondering, using that simple function, if I would know from visualizing the data how the options were presented to the participants - the exact order.

On top of this, I am esp. wondering how to flip the order of labels. In the shared printscreen from my first post, there are two labels for the option on the left and two on the right, how do I randomly flip the choices for food option A and food option B. 

I would thus have EcoScore A and NutriScoreB or NutriScoreB (first) and then EcoScoreA (for the option on the left).

Thanks in advance!

  • QPN Level 5 ●●●●●
  • 290 replies
  • August 6, 2024

Hey @Marc098765 I tried replicating your setup. Please have a look.

STEP 1: This step is for the option 1 (left hand side option), label 1. Store 2 labels (images) in a single embedded data (in the below image it says “label1_left”, you can name it according to your wish which suits best) within a randomizer element to ensure that both the labels are randomized fairly (tick the “evenly present elements” checkbox).
Use of “label1_left_img1_selected” and “label1_left_img2_selected” embedded data will be explained in the next step.

STEP 2: Create a new randomizer, this is for option 1 label 2. Repeat the same process as of step 1 but with a different embedded data “label2_left”. Also there is an additional branch logic which checks if the same image is displayed in label 1, if not then and only then that particular image will be displayed in label 2.  All this is done using the embedded data “label1_left_img1_selected” and “label1_left_img2_selected” created in step 1. 


STEP 3: Finally pipe text these values in the required space.

You can repeat the same steps for option 2 as well. And then randomize both of these options using ‘choice randomization’.


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