20000 character size limit exceeded | XM Community
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Hi there, I have tried to add an 'information sheet' at the beginning of my survey, however the site wont let me save it as it 'exceeds 20000 characters', I tried shortening it to two text boxes but it wont even accept a sentence. The writing I'm adding is only 11,000 characters long so it should be accepted. I thought it may be formatting so I changed it all very simple, that didn't work, I thought it may be the hyperlinks but when i removed them it still wouldn't accept the text. I even tried the old turn it off and back on again!
Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you 😊

The limit is for the HTML of what you enter. So any formatting will add some characters not visible in the editor. That's probably why your 11,000 char count is going over 20,000.
If you're cleaning it up using the rich content editor, then it's possible, that some of earlier HTML remains. To completely empty the question, open the HTML view and clear it from there.
To get an accurate idea about the character count, search for word to HTML converters. Paste your formatted text here and they'll give you the HTML version, and you can then see how many characters it is coming to.
You can also look for HTML minifiers, which will allow you paste your HTML and reduce it's character count.
This way it's possible you may manage to get your entire question at one place.

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