Adding a click counter to a button in End of Survey message | XM Community
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Hi all, newcomer to Qualtrics here.
Wondering if there is a way to set up a counter to keep track of respondents who have clicked a link button in the "end of survey" message?
I have a custom EoS message set up, which contains a button which takes a user to a booking system. I would like to keep track of how many respondents are opting to use this feature.
The only information I have been able to find it how to embed Javascript into a question - but I dont seem to have that option with an End of Survey block.
I named the button ID as BookApp, and added an embedded data field to my survey called Click_BookApp...just not sure where to go from there!

Any advice would be amazing!
Thanks, Mike.

I don't think that's possible on EoS page. The best way to handle is to capture at the link where you're redirecting them (if that's something you've created). Otherwise, add that as a page before EoS (last page) where you can add auto-submit on click of the link (or else respondent will click 'Submit').

Hi Pritesh,
Thanks so much for your response, it is much appreciated. Are you able to explain a little more about your second suggestion? "Otherwise, add that as a page before EoS (last page) where you can add auto-submit on click of the link (or else respondent will click 'Submit')."
I don't quite understand the suggestion.
thank you once again!

Hi there, the End of Survey message is not really tied to the respondent survey session anymore, so Pritesh_Z's recommendation to add a page before the End of Survey message to capture this link click is the simplest solution and probably what I would do.
But, it's not impossible! By making use of the Retake link, the respondent can re-enter their survey session from the End of Survey page and an Embedded Data Element in the Survey Flow will set "clicked" equal to "1" only if the Retake characters exist in the survey URL. Via JavaScript, 2 windows will be opened when the link in the End of Survey message is clicked - 1 to serve as the Retake link and the other to direct respondents where you actually want to take them (the book app in your case).
First, make an End of Survey message. Try adding the below using the Rich Content Editor's Source/HTML View "<>":

Click here to see the document:


This is a link: Click Me


Then over in the survey's Look & Feel, add the below to the Header, updating the YouTube URL with the URL of the book app and the "SV_1234567890" with the ID of your survey:

Next, the Survey Flow and questions will need to be adjusted to work with the Retake link in this way. It is helpful to review the sections of the Retake link page around Building the link, Needing to Display Questions during a Retake, and Hiding Content the 2nd time through a survey.
In the Survey Flow, create an Embedded Data field called "clicked" and set its value to 0. Also make sure Q_URL is set here. Then set the Flow up like the below so that only if the Retake characters exist will the the Embedded field of "clicked" update to be 1.
EoS_LinkChecker_Flow.pngFinally, to hide the questions but preserve the answers during the Retake, a Timing question must be included on every page with the Auto-advance enabled and set to 1 second. Also, Display Logic needs to be added to the Timing Questions so that they only display if the Retake characters exist.
EoS_LinkChecker_Builder.pngThe effect of all this is that when the link in the End of Survey message is clicked, a new tab opens that contains where you're directing the respondent - the book app. Also upon this link click, the tab that contains the original survey updates to the Retake link. Because of the Timing questions/Display logic, the survey Retake goes from Start to Finish in the background, where all answers are the same except for the Embedded Data field of "clicked" updating to 1.

Hi Tom (and Pritesh), thank you so much for such a detailed response, it is very much appreciated.
I have just joined this community yesterday, after being a fairly "basic" Qualtrics user for around 6 months. The support on this forum is amazing, so thank you.
I think I may just stick to the suggestion that you both have made, regarding a page before the EoS.
Could I trouble you to give me some advice on this?
Would it essentially be a new block/ page with the invitation to click the link? Rather than that invitation being part of the EoS message?
And I would need to embed Javascript via the menu below?


MikeBot you are welcome! Yes that is the approach and it would involve adding JavaScript to the last question in the survey via that menu (or right clicking the question in the survey builder). I found this approach from TomG in this post. Some of the steps are similar to my earlier post but "clicked" being set to 1 will now be done in the question JavaScript.
First, in the Survey Flow, create an Embedded Data field called "clicked" and set its value to 0.
Then in the survey builder, create a Text/Graphic question as the last question in your survey and add the below to the HTML/Source view "<>" using the Rich Content Editor, updating the YouTube link to the booking app URL.
Follow the below link to exit the survey and go to booking app.

The link: Click here

To exit the survey and not go to the booking app, click submit.
Finally, in the question's JavaScript, add the below to the addOnload section:
  jQuery('#extLink').click(function(event) {
    Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.setEmbeddedData("clicked", "1");
One more idea, instead of a link, you could ask a Yes/No question at the end of the survey like "do you want to be redirected to the booking app upon survey submission?" and then customize an End of Survey element in the Survey Flow to redirect respondents that say Yes to the booking app URL.

Thank you so much Tom_1842 , this is absolutely amazing!
I will try it out and let you know how it turns out.

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